In Jim Harbaugh’s first four months as Michigan head coach he’s done a fantastic job. But it’s no surprise that with a staff comprised of mostly NFL assistants, that they didn’t have a firm grasp on the NCAA rule book yet. Michigan self-reported four secondary NCAA violations from December to April and they shouldn’t be anything that brings any trouble to Michigan’s doorstep.
So what were the violations, you ask? Well, Michigan commented publicly on Wayne Lyons before he was officially part of the program. Harbaugh donated an item for auction that benefitted a scholar-athlete scholarship for a local high school. Then Michigan allowed a recruit to sit in a suite at Yost Ice Arena during a visit and the last violation came from recruiting where electronic materials were sent to a recruit.
Check out for more details on the violations.
It looks like Harbaugh has a response to his donation being an NCAA violation:
Thought of day: "No good deed goes unpunished" Oscar Wilde
— Coach Harbaugh (@CoachJim4UM) May 11, 2015